With the increased interest in crowd-funded playing card projects particularly on Kickstarter, we are publishing a monthly tracking report as part of our popular Analytics series. The goal is to give an analytical insight into the month-on-month performance of projects and how these numbers are tracking cumulatively year-to-date.
Interestingly, August seem to have mirrored the benchmark shape from last year. The number of successful projects have decreased this month, breaking the momentum from the previous months. Backers continue be selective with the projects pledged. The year-to-date (YTD) numbers continue to surpass 2013 numbers. The chart below describes how 2014 is tracking against the numbers from 2013 as benchmark.
Playing Card Projects
The number of unsuccessful projects remained constant at around 20% in August while % of successful projects ended with a low of 20%.
Here is what July looks like in numbers:
Relatively quiet month in August with the exception of 26th August where six projects were launch at the same time.
Here's a look at how projects performed over the month, largely unchanged from last month.
A total of $559k was raised by all projects in August, marginally higher that July's number of $553k.
Here is a look at the top 5 most funded playing cards:
The top 5 successful playing cards projects for the month contributed a whopping 82% to the overall funding of successful projects!
The average YTD funding goal of successful project remained stable at around $10.1k.
This month, approximately 12.3k backers were recorded across all projects. The average pledge per backer for successful projects continue to decrease. This month it stands at $50.92.
Line chart below is a month-on-month comparison for 2014 with the 2013 curve used as benchmark. It is interesting to note that there is an uptick in the average spent per backer from July to August continuing the higher $/backer trend from last month. Backers continue to be selective with their pledges.
Top 5 funded Projects by backer numbers below:
Launched Projects
Here are the top 10 most funded projects launched in August:
Data provider:

I always like to see the data and appreciate the hard work and look forward to the end of year analysis. I don't think the projects launched in the month date is very helpful. I do however find helpful the percentage of successful, unsuccessful, cancelled, and live Kickstarters. Do you think it's possible to have a list in each of the categories. I like to check out the unsuccessful and cancelled ones to get a hint of what they did wrong.