Due to the increased interest in crowd-funded playing card projects on Kickstarter, we are publishing a monthly tracking report as part of our popular Analytics series. The goal is to give an analytical insight into the month-on-month performance of projects and how these numbers are tracking cumulatively year-to-date.
Fantastic month with the momentum carrying over from January. The number of successful projects are in line with expectations with an increase in projects being funded. The chart below shows how 2015 is tracking against the numbers from 2014 as (new) benchmark.
Playing Card Projects
The number of unsuccessful projects jumped to 21% this month while the percentage of successful projects trended upward to 26% for February.
Here is what February look like in numbers:
Projects launched were quite well distributed over the month with the majority concentrated mid- end month. Graph below:
Here's a look at how projects performed over the month. Generally, percentages for successful, unsuccessfully and cancelled projects have increased from last month.
An incredible total of $786k was raised by all projects in February, up $108k from January.
Here is a look at the top 5 most funded playing cards:
The average 2015 funding goal of successful project remained stable at around the $11k mark, still above 2014's number of $9.9k. We maintain that the average funding goal to stabilise around the $10k mark.
This month, approximately 16.4k backers were recorded across all projects. The average pledge per backer for successful projects ended at $54.45, an increase from January's average. This is predominantly driven by Arcana with backers pledging an average of $59.70 on the project.
Line chart below is a month-on-month comparison for 2015 with the 2014 average spent curve used as benchmark.
Top 5 funded Projects by backer numbers below:
Launched Projects
Here are the top 10 most funded projects launched in February:
Surprise hit Leonardo Playing Cards and No.17 leads the pack! As expected, momentum continue to build from last month and with 18 projects funded and 24 projects launched, it is looking like a busy one!
Data provider:

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