Forged Playing Cards, a deck about the fury of mighty Norse Vikings warriors, is a mindblowing collaboration between Chris Hage of Wonder Playing Cards with Jody Ecklund of Black Ink Branded. The deck is seeking funds and is currently over 500% funded on Kickstarter.
On the outside, the tuck box features a letterpressed print on premium matte paper with black ink, stunning gold foil, and carefully planned embossing. It features intricate artworks that capture the essence of Viking Culture: the Dane Axe, the serpent Jormungandr, and the Valknut symbols.

The card back features a two-way illustration of Viking lore and mythology: the axe coiled by the Midgardian serpent with the shields bearing the Valknut symbol. The deck features gold accents and embellishments to create the beauty of the cards.
All of the Aces feature enlarged custom-illustrated pip showcasing the rich elements of Norse mythology. The courts featured two-way illustrations of Viking warriors, both men and women. They are shown as mighty warriors wearing their armor and holding onto shields and blade weapons.
There are a total of four editions on offer during the Kickstarter campaign. The Standard Edition will have the cards feature gold metallic ink. The Cold Foil Edition features gold cold foiling for the golden accents. Gold Gilded Edition features the Cold Foil Edition with gold metallic foil gilded edge. The Blue Flame Edition features the Cold Foil Edition with a blue sapphire metallic foil gilded edge.
The deck will be printed by WJPC and pledge starts at $16 on Kickstarter.