There's something special about Bold Playing Cards by Elettra Deganello. Not only is this her first solo deck, but the artwork also has a very modern feel to it and aesthetically beautiful! This elegant deck combines some of Elettra's passions – illustration, graphic design, typography, and playing cards. According to Elettra,
Bold came out in a very natural, spontaneous way, and I had a lot of fun working on it. I hope you'll enjoy it :)

The upcoming Kickstarter campaign consists of 2 decks: Bold & Bold Deluxe. Both decks are fully custom with a truly eye-catching card back inspired by that of the classic Bicycle ‘Rider Back’ design.
Thick lines fill the background and decorate the corners. Combined with the wheels of concentric exclamation points at the center of the big circumferences, these lines make Bold’s back design look dynamic and its fan interesting. The back design of Bold is black and red on a white background, while Bold Deluxe features bronze metallic ink and red on a black background.

The court cards accurately reinterpret the Bicycle signature courts... but with solid lines, sturdy figures, and faces and decorations made with typographic signs are the distinctive features. The eyes thus become commas and arabesques, the lips brackets, the mustache question marks, and as the motto says, ‘Who seeks, finds’. The figures of Bold are red, black, and brown on a white background, while those of Bold Deluxe are red, black, and metallic bronze on a large metallic background.

Bold's aces unite all the distinctive features of the deck: the ace of spades is characterized by the use of thick lines and negative spaces, whereas the other aces are devoted to typography. The ace of spades, in particular, stands out among the aces, as tradition dictates. Its design immediately evokes those of the box and the back design.

The deck is kept is a sharp and modern tuck box, consistent with the overall design. The back design on the back of the tuck box has been slightly modified to better fit the context. The Bold Deluxe box is adorned in gold and red foils on premium black textured paper. The embossing level further enhances the packaging and adds that extra touch.
[Update] Bold Playing Cards NOW on Kickstarter!
Bold will be printed by The United States Playing Card Company on Bicycle stock paper with air cushion finish. BOLD is scheduled to launch on Kickstarter 21st July 2020.
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