A year in the making, Tasty Playing Cards is an eye-catching deck inspired by one of the most delicious desserts in the world- ice cream! This delicious looking deck is designed by Peter Uscanga and Lizzie DomÃnguez from Mexico and spots a pink-light brown colorway that will sure to draw attention when the cards are fanned or flourished.
The deck comes with an melting ice cream card backs, custom Ace of Spades, and ice cream jokers. The courts and pips are standard but with updated color palette to match the theme of the deck. The cards are packaged in an original looking ice cream display tuck case.
Just prior to the launch, we were able to catch-up with Peter for a quick Q&A about himself, the inspiration & design process behind the Tasty deck and his future plans for the series.
For those of us who don’t know, can you tell us about yourselves and what are your design background?
Well, this deck is being launched by myself (Instagram: @Peter_Uscanga) and Lizzie (Instagram: @Lizziedguez), each focused on a specific area, in order to achieve the best effect in the launch and production of the deck, I am the designer and the creative part of this brand. I studied 4 years in communication focused on advertising, marketing and therefore, have been in the middle of design for a while. On the other hand, Lizzie takes care of the logistics part, having studied Business Administration, and have experience in logistics services. Her experience will be handy for this project. Although it’s our first deck we have clear creative and logistic objectives to be able to carry out this project successfully.
Can you describe the TASTY Playing Cards? and why you're passionate about it?
Tasty Playing Cards are the first decks inspired by one of the most delicious desserts in the world, ice cream. Previously we have seen many very original designs but none as sweet as this one. This is derived from the process of change and separation that is doing the magic of Cardistry. 5 years ago, who can imagine that there will be cards with designs of galaxies, abstract, with textures without borders. The Tasty Playing Cards continues the trend, where a deck is no longer designed to play poker but an extension of one's personality. This is where our passion is born, create a design that complements the fresh personality of the user that will undoubtedly steal the gaze of more than one spectator.
Talk to us a bit about going from the first draft to the final version. How did you get to this finished product?
It was a very long process, after 3 months we did tests with different textures, colors, comments from magicians and cardists to whom we showed the deck. We managed to hit the nail on the head when we created a daring and undoubtedly original design. We made a combination between the risky design of the back and the classic pips and court cards.
What was your most brilliant breakthrough when designing the deck?
No doubt, the box. Have a look. An ice cream-themed deck wouldn’t make sense if we can't see the full ice cream, and on the box we found it. We use the cut of the box to create a display that will look amazing every time you take your Tasty Playing Cards to action.
With so many playing card projects competing for funding, why should potential backers choose your deck?
No doubt for the originality of the deck, the design, the box and the colors, as we said before. We want to be part of that gap between classic designs and innovative designs of playing card decks. Besides, this first edition will be extremely limited, the goal is to print 980 decks and 20 uncuts. Whoever supports the Kickstarter can have in his hands- a piece of all the effort, dedication and passion that we are making to launch this deck
What’s next? Can we expect more deck designs in the future?
Of course, we seek to consolidate the Tasty Playing Cards as a brand recognized by the cardists and magicians around the world, we now have a second version of the deck ready, with another design of back and with pips and court cards fully customized. It will be a much more risky design. Releasing it or not will depend on the support we have in launching this first version.

Finally, what are your favourite playing cards?
We have many favorite decks, but I think that if we have to choose only one, we would choose the Oddysey playing cards V1, the design is literally out of this world, colors, pips and court cards are a piece of art.
Thank you for your time, Peter and all the best! At the time of writing, the project is only 40% funded with 42 days to go. If want to support the Tasty Playing Cards, you can find it on Kickstarter here.
TASTY Playing Cards will be printed by Hanson Chien Production Co. on Luxury Stock and Magic Finish (similar to Oddysey Playing Cards Boreal Edition). Pledge starts at USD$13.50 on Kickstarter.
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